Saturday, August 25, 2007


Dominaria – once a land of glory and greatness, now only a land of waste and tears. This is because of the invasion of an army called the Phyrexian Scourge. After devastating the lands, the Scourge has conquered most of Dominaria to consume on the few remains. But hopefully, three kingdoms are still standing against the invaders, hoping that something, or perhaps someone, will come to save all of Dominaria. These kingdoms were Kingdom Icatia, Korlis, and Benalia. They faithfully believed that a king from either one of the ‘Three Kingdoms’ will lead them towards victory.

And the prophecy has finally come true. After being crowned as the new king of Benalia, the witty King Darien IV has immediately decided to vanquish the Phyrexian Scourge once and for all. One day, a Benalian scout came to the king and said: “My King, I've journeyed across Dominaria. Phyrexians are everywhere. Plague is everywhere. There's no place left to hide. They are about to attack us!”. “To arms, then! It leaves us no choice but to prepare as quickly and as keen as we can,” King Darien replied. “But first, let’s go forth and unite with the other Kingdoms. Our victory must come from all of Dominaria, or it will not come.”

And so the king, with few of his men, went to the Flagstones of Trokair, a legendary land known as a gathering place of past kings. There, he met the other kings – King Thelon of Icatia and King Tavalus of Korlis. After discussing the Benalian King’s plan, Thelon boisterously suggested: “Why would we have to plan for the attack?! Domiaria erodes with each passing gust. They’re dying left and right! We should strike as fast as we can!” But Tavalus suddenly and hopelessly interrupted: "Your words did not come from . . . now. They reflect a sky no longer ours and gleam with hope that does not exist. It is only a waste of time. What could a clerical kingdom like Korlis do against an overwhelming mass of monsters? We must accept defeat.” The Icatian King was about to draw his blade as well as the Korlisian King is about to draw his staff when Darien halted the two from having a fight. After breathing deeply of disappointment, Darien spoke: "Remember this, my fellow kings: The hermit dies. The outcast dies. The lone wolf dies. Only those who stick together survive this world. We admit that every kingdom has its own weaknesses, but if we band together, we can fill out those weaknesses and we can be able to defeat our enemies!” The other kings drew back and nodded, signaling their understanding to the Benalian King. And so all Dominarians agreed on one thing: they would not go down without a fight.

They have come up with a plan. Icatia, being a master of cavalry and combat, will hold up the Phyrexian attack for a moment. A survivor said: "Valiant Icatia was the last of the Three Kingdoms to fall. Its faithful soldiers defended their cities to the very end." They also had this motto that king Thelon created himself: “Never surrender”, which was carved in every Icatian wall. But despite its combat mastery, it cannot hold the Scourge forever. So Korlis, being adept in creating spells and magic, will cast a massive and devastating sorcery, namely “The Wrath of God” that will sweep all of Phyrexia. But this kind of magic will take a lot of time before it is completed, so they faithfully hope that The Wrath of God will be completed before the Icatian defense falls, as King Tavalus said: "Where metal is tainted and wood is scarce, we are best armed by faith." In the far lands, the tricky Benalians, lead by their King Darien, were preparing for a flank from the Phyrexian assault. King Darien said: "This is how wars are won—not with armies of soldiers but with a single knife blade, artfully placed." He did not dream of defeating the invaders by a single, well – planned attack. He is just hoping that he can somehow weaken the invaders that will attack Icatia and Korlis. All of these kingdoms were hoping that their strength in unity and their faith will grant them their victory.

And so the war blew throughout all of Dominaria. An endless march of bloodthirsty ‘beings’ was heard by all of the villagers that took refuge in hidden, underground homes. After being seen by a watcher, he shouted: “The call came, spell-borne through mortar and stone to the ear of every soldier!. The call came, and the advantage was ours!" The Icatians were already prepared before the Scourge had come. Different anthems were sung, as an elder said: "To those who can hear it, a battle song brings power as swift as sunlight and as enduring as the deep roots of the forest." Different battle cries were shouted. Different weapons were raised. But there was only one goal in the hearts of the warriors in each side: to win against the enemy. And then time suddenly stopped. The anthems stopped. Everything stopped, until King Thelon cried: “Charge!” All of his men shouted and charged, forever listening to the Glorious Anthem they once heard. They clashed with the Phyrexians, and exchanges of slashes and smashes were seen.

On the other hand, the magicians of Korlis were casting The Wrath of God inside their stronghold. Unfortunately, the spell doesn’t seem to be completed in time. The Icatians are slowly withdrawing back, layer by layer, as their number lessens. They kept on pulling out until there came a time that they were forced to seek shelter inside the Korlis stronghold. After a few moments, a small number of Icatians, together with the busy Korlisians, were confined inside the single cave where The Wrath of God was being taken care of. The flow of the Phyrexians seems endless, but it stopped for a while. Why? That’s because of the Benalians, lead by King Darien, who flashed just in time, as King Tavalus said: they’re the beacon of hope over a battered army. King Darien proudly shouted: “You will not die until I consent you!” The Benalish Cavalries surprisingly stormed the Phyrexians, bringing forth their doom. “What are you waiting for? Complete the spell!”, King Thelon shouted to King Tavalus and to his priests. He glared at them as if they were the enemy. “The day is not over yet” he shouted, “and unless you have a weak heart, you will stand and fight!” But not too long, the Benalians too were lessening in number. Fortunately, The Wrath of God was already completed. The cave floods with light. A thousand rays shine forth and meld into one. Everyone stopped, amazingly gazing at the large sphere of light. Even the Phyrexians halted, knowing that they are about to embrace their end. The Wrath of God descended to the grounds, devouring everything from all of Dominaria.

The flash was gone. Dominaria was entirely emptied. The plains were clear. No castle was found standing. Even the Three Kingdoms were gone, as a survivor said: “Sometimes, victory demands a high cost”. Dominaria’s glory has been returned once again. Villagers slowly began to come out from their shelters, knowing that there is a new dawn out of Dominaria’s darkness. Each victory opens a new verse.

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