Thursday, September 27, 2007


I was once flying to the vast skies
When I met someone in the same flight
He had the same virtue when he flies
My life was enlightened by his light

Like two leaves drifting on the calm Wind
We danced and sang: there's no tomorrow
We enjoyed life without being sinned
Wonder why life had to cast the Shadow

My life was best until it happened
A knife stroke me unlike any other
My comrade left me unattended
He traitored me: left in my slumber

With a wounded heart, I was alone
I spread my wings, but I just can't fly
I was left dying on a damned zone
Dosed in despair, why can't I just die?

My story's to end when suddenly
Someone appeared from the dreary night
I was awake: I tended to see
It was Zephyr; my savior, my knight

She molded my soul to live alone
With her by my side, I'll need none more
"Fly exclusively; be no one's clone"
I am the Lone Eagle - forevermore

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